VETOFOCUS is a web site dedicated to information exchange between veterinaries and other professional of animal health. This collaborative platform aims is to facilitate sharing of information between veterinaries. They can send observations, discuss on their practice or ask questions when they face a complicated case. VETOFOCUS and HALIEUTICA had recently launched a collaboration. Our objective is to increase the number of contributions dedicated to aquaculture and to share our knowledge with a maximum of qualified professional.
HALIEUTICA’s first contribution to this platform is the writing of an article entitled A protocol for the on-farm observation of White shrimp Litopeaneus vannamei in Ecuador. This article describes how biologist, salesman and shrimp farmers are realizing on-farm diagnostics in Ecuador. This article is illustrated by 16 pictures showing the different steps of the process.
Our collaboration will continue in the coming month with the publication of new articles. HALIEUTICA’s contributions will be based on our knowledge of on-farm practices.
If you want to learn more about shrimp farming methods (feeding, additives use, health status check…), please feel free to contact us.
You are interested by an English version of this article? We will be happy to share it with you!